Microscope Theory, Concepts, and Overview
Here are some outstanding general didactic resources for microscopists of all levels: http://www.olympusmicro.com http://www.microscopyu.com (Some similar content on both sites.)
Veroptics is your multi-photon, biomedical microscopy, and photonics specialist, and looks forward to being the full service provider for all your scientific imaging needs! For questions, quotes, orders, support, or any other inquiries, please contact us by email or phone at: Sales@Veroptics.com or 1-800-939-6627. We look forward to hearing from you!
Here are some outstanding general didactic resources for microscopists of all levels: http://www.olympusmicro.com http://www.microscopyu.com (Some similar content on both sites.)
If you really want to learn about microscopy from both practical and theoretical standpoints, well . . . first, we hope you’ll keep following this Blog, and feel free to EMAIL US with any questions you might have, or any topics you would like to see us cover in this Blog! Second, you can attend […]
http://www.jove.com (All kinds of video illustrated methods, many in Microscopy and Imaging techniques)
When reading the scientific literature, it can be difficult to actually “figure out how to do things” solely from the Methods given in the paper. Fortunately, in scientific publishing, there is a growing trend toward more “practical” or “hands on” guides that provide greater detail on how to perform various kinds of experiments, including methods in Microscopy and Imaging. […]
All fluorophores bleach, some just bleach faster or slower than others. This can cause phototoxicity in your cells, and/or alter fluorescent intensity independent of your experimental variable(s). Neither of these are good things, particularly if you want to quantify your fluorescence and acquire meaningful data. Thus if you do any kind of fluorescence imaging, it is […]